
My activities comes under several shapes: capacity building, consultancies, project management, publications, presentations, community work. Selected production is listed here, though is not regularly updated

Last update for this page 2019: for more recent updates please refer to my CV.

Current Projects

Project Leader: Prof. Alberto Troccoli

The SECLI-FIRM project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 776868.

Project Leader: Prof. Alberto Troccoli

The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Energy will develop an operational climate service for the energy sector. It will develop energy indicators for electricity demand, wind power, solar power and hydro power for three streams: historical (last ca 40 years), seasonal forecasts, projections (to 2100).

Chair and Convener: Prof. Alberto Troccoli

ICEM2019 will provide ample opportunities for interaction with delegates during a number of stimulating and engaging sessions: the dedicated poster sessions, the industry-problem-focussed workshop sessions and the globally-relevant panel sessions

Capacity building

  1. Troccoli A et al (2013) Convener of 2nd International Conference Energy & Meteorology (ICEM) to be held at the Meteo-France International Conference Centre, Toulouse, France, 25–28 June 2013.
  2. Troccoli A et al (2011) Convener of 1st International Conference Energy & Meteorology (ICEM)

    Initiated concept and led organisation of this very well received Conference, held in the Gold Coast, Australia, 8–11 November 2011. A major outcome of ICEM 2011 is the recognition by the Energy and Meteorology communities that ICEM, and related activities (e.g. summer schools), needs to become mainstream. A book with selected lectures from ICEM 2011 is also being compiled.

  3. Troccoli A et al (2008) Initiator and Director of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop “Weather/Climate Risk Management for the Energy Sector”. Initiated, planned and directed this Workshop with ca 30 participants. Tasks included: proposal including detailed budget, coordination of scientific programme, budget management, additional fund raising, fostering relationships with external stakeholders, communication with typography and media.
  4. Troccoli A et al (2005) Initiator and Director of a NATO Advanced Study Institute (summer school) ”Seasonal to Interannual Climate Variability: its Prediction and Impact on Society”. Initiated, planned and directed this summer school in a remote and novel venue with ca 80 participants (incl. 15 lecturers). Tasks included: proposal including detailed budget, coordination of scientific programme, budget management, negotiations with venue management, attracted several additional sponsors, communication with the media, set-up and maintained ASI web site, coordinated participants selection, lectures preparation and leisure programme.


  1. Co-funder of the network of consultants Climate-Insight
  2. World Bank white paper identifying key issues for energy sector adaptation (2010)
  3. Study for a private firm “Precipitation Forecasts and Climate Scenarios” (2009)
  4. ClimDev Africa Programme preparation (2008)

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